Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Annabel can crawl!

After weeks and weeks of half-hearted attempts, Annabel is finally crawling!! We are happy but a little scared; so many months of immobility have spoiled us. I guess it's time for some serious babyproofing. This cute clip was taken by Annabel's fabulous babysitter, Szilvia. Video of more proficient crawling coming soon....

Miscellaneous pics from the last month or so...

Annabel and Daddy work on their laptops.

Annabel with her friend Echo (and her Love Rat) at Maxene's house

All dressed up with no place to go. The tuxedo onesie was a gift from Aunt Molly -- we think it suits her (um, no pun intended)....

Annabel at her 9 month checkup. She clocked in at 20 lb. 6 oz.: 75%ile weight, 50%ile height, and a whopping 97%ile head!!

With Aunt Lisa

and Aunt Dee

and Uncle Jim

and all three, out on the town in Pasadena....

Miscellaneous pics from the last month or so...

Annabel and Daddy work on their laptops.

Annabel with her friend Echo at Maxene's house

All dressed up with no place to go. I think a tuxedo suits her....

Annabel at her 9 month checkup. She clocked in at 20 lb. 6 oz.: 75%ile weight, 50%ile height, and a whopping 97%ile head!!

With Aunt Lisa

and Aunt Dee

and Uncle Jim

and all three, out on the town in Pasadena....

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008